Povratak na početnu stranicu...

Unesite riječ za prevod:

Engleski jezik Naš jezik
term izraz
term naziv
term nazvati
term označiti
term propis
term rok
term semestar
term termin
term tromesečje
term tromjesečje
term uslovi
term član
term član razlomka
terminable ograničen
terminable vremenski određen
terminal izvod
terminal klema
terminal kraj
terminal krajnja stanica
terminal krajnji
terminal priključak
terminal terminal
terminal završan
terminal block priključni blok
terminal block terminal
terminal box priključna glava
terminate konačan
terminate ograničen
terminate prekinuti rad
terminate završavati
terminate završiti program
terminate završiti se
terminate završni
terminated završen
terminating konačni
terminating završavanje
terminating završni
termination krajnje opterećenje
termination ograničavanje
termination prekid
termination priključni uređaj
termination završetak
terminational konačni
terminational krajnji
terminator ono što ograničava
terminator terminator
termini završeci
termini završetci (mn. od te
terminology stručni izrazi
terminology terminologija
terminus granica
terminus kraj
terminus krajnja stanica
terminus završetak
termistor termistor
termless beskonačan
termless bezuslovan
terms uslovi
terms of delivery uslovi isporuke
terms of payment uslovi plaćanja
terms of sale uslovi prodaje

Naš jezik Engleski jezik
term therm
termalan thermal
termalizacija thermalization
termalni thermal
termiccki thermal
termiccki thermic
termin date
termin term
terminal terminal block
terminal terminal
terminator terminator
terminologija terminology
termion thermion
termionski thermionic
termistor termistor
termistor thermistor
termo element thermopile
termodinamički thermodynamic
termodinamika thermodynamics
termoelastičan thermoelastic
termoelektrična stru thermocurrent
termoelektrični thermoelectric
termoelektrični gene thermogenerator
termoelektron thermoelectron
termoelektronik thermionics
termoelektronsk thermionic
termoelement thermocell
termoelement thermocouple
termoelement thermoelement
termofisija thermofission
termofon thermophone
termogalvanski thermogalvanic
termograf thermograph
termografija thermography
termogram thermogram
termohemija thermochemistry
termohemijski thermochemical
termoklin thermocline
termokontakt thermocontact
termomagnetski thermomagnetic
termometar thermometer
termometarski thermometric
termometrija thermometry
termomotor thermomotor
termomotorni thermomotive
termoneutron thermoneutron
termonuklearni thermonuclear
termopar thermocouple
termoplastici thermoplastics
termoplastični thermoplastic
termoprekidač thermoswitch
termoregulator thermoregulator
termorelej thermorelay
termorelej thermoswitch
termorezistor thermistor
termos thermos
termosfera thermosphere
termosifon thermosiphon
termoskop thermoscope
termospoj thermocouple
termospoj thermojunction
termostat calotron
termostat thermostat
termostatita thermostatics
termostatski thermostatic
termostatski thermostatical
termostub thermopile

U bazi imamo i naredne slične riječi:
| germ | team | teem | terms | therm |

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