Povratak na početnu stranicu...

Unesite riječ za prevod:

Engleski jezik Naš jezik
the što više...
the što...to
the left ljevica (politički)
theater kazalište
theater pozorište
theatre kazalište
theatre pozorište
theatre box loža
theatrical kazališni
theatrical pozorišni
theatrical teatralan
thee tebe
thee tebi
theft kradja
theft krađa
theft lopovluk
theft ukradena
their njih
their njihov
their o
theirs njih
theirs njihov
them ih
them im
them njih
them njima
theme predmet
theme tema
themselves lično
themselves oni
themselves oni sami
themselves se
themselves sebe
then od onda
then onda
then stoga
then tada
then zatim
thence od onda
thence od toga doba
thence odatle
thence otad
thence otuda
thence stoga
thence zatim
thenceforth od tog doba
thenceforth otad
theodolite sprava za mjerenje u
theodolite teodolit
theorem pravilo
theorem teorema
theorem tvrdnja
theoretic(al) teoretski
theoretic(al) čisto misaoni
theoretical teorijski
theoretical teoriski
theoretician teoretičar
theory teorija
therapeutics terapeutika
therapy terapija
therby pomoću toga
therby stoga
therby time
there eno
there eto
there onamo
there ondje
there onuda
there tamo
there tu
there are no ... nema ...
there is no ... nema ...
thereabout otprilike
thereabout tu
thereabout(s) otprilike
thereabout(s) približno
thereabout(s) u blizini
thereafter od toga doba
thereafter odonda
thereafter poslije toga
thereafter prema tome
thereafter zatim
thereat na to
thereat pri tom
thereat pritom
thereat radi toga
thereat tamo
thereat u to
thereat uto
thereby na taj način
thereby otuda
thereby tako
thereby u vezi stim
therefore dakle
therefore otuda
therefore prema tome
therefore stoga
therefore zato
therefrom odatle
therein onda
Upit generiše previše rezultata. Pojednostavite upit, ili pretražite bazu na specijalni način. Specijalne pretrage:
- riječi koje počinju na: the blind assassin [margaret atwood]
- prevod za riječ: the blind assassin [margaret atwood]

U bazi imamo i naredne slične riječi:
| te | tle | he | she | tee | thee | them | then | they | tho | thy | tie | toe |

Rječnik medicinskih pojmova

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