Povratak na početnu stranicu...

Unesite riječ za prevod:

Engleski jezik Naš jezik
other drugačiji
other drugi
other ostali
another drugi
another još jedan
bother briga
bother dodijavati
bother dosadjivati
bother dosađivati
bother gnjaviti
bother kopkati
bother smetati
bother uznemiravanje
brother brat
brother in law zet
brother in law šurak
brother-in-law zet
brotherhood bratstvo
each other jedan drugoga
foster mother maćeha
fostermother pomajka
godmother kuma
grandmother baba
grandmother baka
grandmother nena, baba
half brother polubrat
half-brother polubrat
in other words ... odnosno
miss one other mimoići se
mother majka
mother materinski
mother mati
mother posiniti
mother in law svekrva
mother in law tašta
mother of pearl sedef
mother tonque maternji jezik
mother's majčin
mother's scatch pička materina
mother-in-law svekrva
mother-in-law tašta
mother-of-pearl sedef
motherfucker jebi svoju mater
motherhood majčinstvo
motherhood materinstvo
motherland domovina
motherland otadžbina
motherly majčinski
motherly materinski
mothertonque maternji jezik
otherwise drugačije
otherwise drugačiji
otherwise ili pak
otherwise inače
otherwise na drugi način
physiotherapy fizioterapija
smother daviti
smother dim
smother gasiti
smother prigušenost
smother prigušiti
smother prikriti se
smother ugušiti
smother zagušiti
smother zagušiti se
smother zagušti se
smother zataškati
smothering prigušenje
smothering ugušenje
soother cucla
soother duda
step brother polubrat
step brother zet
step mother maćeha
step-brother polubrat
step-brother zet
stepbrother polubrat
stepmother maćeha
vie with one another nadvikivati se

U bazi imamo i naredne slične riječi:
| another | bother | brother | either | ether | father | gather | her | hither | lather | mother | norther | offer | order | osier | ostler | otter | outer | over | owner | potter | rather | rotter | smother | soother | steer | tether | the | thee | their | them | then | there | therm | they | tier | totter | usher | utter | voter | wither | zither |

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