Povratak na početnu stranicu...

Unesite riječ za prevod:

Engleski jezik Naš jezik
there eno
there eto
there onamo
there ondje
there onuda
there tamo
there tu
from there odandje
from there odatle
from there otuda
gethered write skupno pisanje
here and there gdjegdje
here and there kojegdje
is (are) there? ima li?
smithereens crepovi
smithereens razvijeni kom.
there are no ... nema ...
there is no ... nema ...
thereabout otprilike
thereabout tu
thereabout(s) otprilike
thereabout(s) približno
thereabout(s) u blizini
thereafter od toga doba
thereafter odonda
thereafter poslije toga
thereafter prema tome
thereafter zatim
thereat na to
thereat pri tom
thereat pritom
thereat radi toga
thereat tamo
thereat u to
thereat uto
thereby na taj način
thereby otuda
thereby tako
thereby u vezi stim
therefore dakle
therefore otuda
therefore prema tome
therefore stoga
therefore zato
therefrom odatle
therein onda
therein ovde
therein ovdje
therein tamo
therein u tom
therein u tome
therein unutra
thereof iz toga
thereof od ovog
thereof od tog
thereof od tud
thereon na ovo
thereon na to
thereon na tome
thereout iz toga
thereto k ovom
thereto k tom
thereto k tome
thereto na ovo
thereto na to
thereupon na njemu
thereupon na njoj
thereupon odmah zatim
thereupon usled toga
thereupon usljed toga
thereupon zato
therewith s ovim
therewith s tim
therewith time
weathered oštećen vremenom
weathered razjeden

U bazi imamo i naredne slične riječi:
| adhere | cohere | ere | ether | hare | her | herb | herd | here | hero | hers | herse | hese | hire | mere | other | sere | share | shire | shore | sphere | tare | tee | term | terne | terse | the | theatre | thee | theft | their | theirs | them | theme | then | thence | theorem | theory | therby | thereat | thereby | therein | thereof | thereon | thereto | therm | thermel | these | they | thine | third | thive | thole | thorn | those | three | threw | throe | thru | tier | tire | tore | tree | tyre | were | where | whore |

Rječnik stranih rijeci

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